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Govt jobs turn into big ticket options

Image result for govt jobsPUNE: Attraction towards government jobs has not waned even as the private sector offers better paying jobs. Citing job security as a major advantage, an increasing number of youngsters from the state are appearing for exams that will help land `secure' jobs. However, experts warn that those opting for government jobs under the impression that they did not involve work pressures or target-related stress need to get a reality check. Non performers, they say , will find it difficult to hold on to their jobs.

A survey by Career Power, an organisation that helps applicants prepare for tests for government jobs, revealed that Maharashtra is only second to Delhi when it comes to registrations for the examinations. Nearly 82.49 lakh candidates enrolled for the entrance examination between September 2013 and September 2015, as against 1.17 crore candidates in Delhi.The security of a government job and the prestige associated with it has no match in the private sector, candidates reasoned in the survey .

Randhir Vidhwans, employment analyst at the state employment exchange, said, "It is a common notion that only aspirants from tier II and tier III cities opt for government jobs. Many candidates who enrol with us have government job as their priority and say that they would apply to a private company only if they do not get through a government job."

The Career Power survey reported, "Maharashtra stands among top five in the list of states where the youth is opting for entrance exams for government jobs. Candidates are also constantly seeking online guidance for all available government jobs and procedures for application. The survey reported that the state was followed by West Bengal in highest applicants for government jobs., another online test preparation platform, stated that it had nearly 18,000 to 20,000 students from Pune, registered with them for various competitive exams. Piyush Agrawal, founder and chief executive officer of the venture, said, "All our users provide us details of the cities they hail from.We constantly mine this data to extrapolate trends in the test preparation segment across India. In the last year, we are very happy to note that the number of students opting for online coaching for competitive exams in Pune, has shot up tremendously .Our data shows that currently, Pune is among the top five cities in India where maximum number of students have embraced online coaching."

Vidhwans added, "The in teresting factor is that there is no particular stream or profession from which candidates are looking for government jobs. Therefore, despite the swanky workplaces and high-end lifestyle that the private sector offers, youngsters prefer a government job."

Experts also pointed out that some youngsters considered the jobs to be less demanding since they had no set targets. "Government jobs are no longer as comfortable as they used to be. The government is working on policies to deal with non-performers. As a result, government employees not performing their duties, misbehaving and taking work casually can no longer hold on to their jobs," Vidhwans clarified.




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