Various PSU and Private sector banks slashed interest rate on Fixed deposit...Govt. allowed central staff to draw upto Rs 10 thousand in cash as advance salary..Banks, Post offices to report cash deposits of over Rs 2.5 lakh to I-T...Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners from 1.7.2016 - Orders issued...Don't need ID copies to exchange old currency notes, says Reserve Bank of India ......WELCOME TO SAPOST ODISHA... ...

World’s cheapest Smartphone Freedom 251 launched at Rs 251

The device runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system.

NEW DELHI: The Indian smartphone maker Ringing Bells has launched the most affordable smartphone dubbed as 'Freedom 251' in India. The company has priced the handset for Rs 251, and it will be available in white colour option. The device will be available for order via starting from February 18th.

On the specifications front, the Freedom 251 features a 4-inch qHD display with 960x540 pixels resolution. The device runs on Android 5.1 Lollipop operating system and is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor. The smartphone offers 1GB of RAM and 8GB of internal storage which can be expanded further up to 32GB using a microSD card.

The smartphone comes equipped with a 3.2MP rear camera and a 0.3MP front facing snapper for clicking selfies. Its connectivity attributes include 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS and packs a 1,450 mAh battery.

Ringing Bells has also launched the cheapest 4G smartphone called Smart 101 priced at Rs 2,999. The device is powered by a 1.3GHz quad-core processor and sports a 5-inch display with 960x480 pixels resolution. The device flaunts an 8MP rear camera with LED flash and a 3.2MP front facing snapper for clicking selfies.

The company has introduced both the handsets as part of the Make In India initiative of the Indian government.

Source :



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