Various PSU and Private sector banks slashed interest rate on Fixed deposit...Govt. allowed central staff to draw upto Rs 10 thousand in cash as advance salary..Banks, Post offices to report cash deposits of over Rs 2.5 lakh to I-T...Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners from 1.7.2016 - Orders issued...Don't need ID copies to exchange old currency notes, says Reserve Bank of India ......WELCOME TO SAPOST ODISHA... ...

Jeevan Pramaan- A Hit With Pensioners

Jeevan Pramaan ( provides a big relief to all pensioners. A pensioner can now digitally provide Annual Life Certificate to the authorities for continuity of pension instead of presenting himself physically or through a Life Certificate issued by specified authorities every year. Lakhs of pensioners on various schemes are already benefitting from it. 

Launched by the Prime Minister on 10th Nov 2014, nearly 12.5 Lakhs pensioners have registered for Digital Life Certificate (DLC) in about a year. Interestingly the enrolled pensioners come from different districts of the country showing the interest the facility has generated all over the country including in far flung rural and hilly districts. Started with Civil pensioners of Central Government only, several other pensioner schemes have adopted Jeevan Pramaan and provide this facility of Digital Life Certificate to these pensioners. Presently apart from civil Central Government employees, Defence services, Employees’ Provident Fund Organization (EPFO), Post Offices, Railways, Defence Pensioners Disbursement Office (DPDOs), several PSUs including Mumbai Port Trust, Chennai Port Trust and New Delhi Municipal Council are providing this service. 

State Governments have also recognized the potential of Jeevan Pramaan and adopted the service. State Governments of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Pondicherry, Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar, Rajasthan and Jharkhand have already started providing these services. 

Jeevan Pramaan service is provided by NIC through a Central Portal developed on Open source. The platform is highly scalable. Developed using in-house manpower, the portal has been developed and maintained free of cost to all the user agencies and is also free for pensioners. 

In Jeevan Pramaan a pensioner can digitally show that he or she is alive using his/her biometrics. Biometric devices are available in CSC’s, Bank branches, Pensioner associations, Govt. offices etc. More over any citizen can also purchase a finger print scanner and do the identification from home. A typical finger print scanner currently costs around Rs. 2600/- only and the prices are expected to come down in future. The usefulness of Jeevan Pramaan will increase even further as the biometric authentication device gets integrated with mobile phones. 

All pension disbursing organizations, which have a requirement of periodic life certificate to continue disbursing pension are welcome to join this free offering. 



Unknown said...

There is a lot of information regarding government schemes. I wish there will be better to have some sarkari result/naukri notification on the site.


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