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Central gov employees seek review of minimum basic pay; seek around 44% hike on 7th CPC recommendation

New Delhi: Implementing the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission is not going to be a cakewalk for the government.

The brewing discontent in the central government employees is threatening to create a storm and disrupt the implementation process. The unions are asking around 44 percent hike on the basic minimum pay suggested by the 7th Central Pay Commission.

The pay commission recommended fixing the minimum pay Rs 18,000 and the maximum pay Rs 250,000.

The unions wants the minimum pay should be increased from Rs 18,000 per month to Rs 26,000.

The unions are claiming that the pay panel recommended the lowest increase in basic pay since independence

The Central government employees’ unions has demanded to increase the minimum pay of central government employees, and a overhaul of the 7th Pay Commission recommendations.

Also Read: Central gov employees' unions to go on 3-day agitation; say, 7th pay commission matrix not final

The union also wants the review of the central government salaries after every 5 years instead of the current 10 years, and want the uniform minimum pay to be applied across the country.

The unions argue that pay scales vary from states to states.

The unions are suggesting a higher pay scale hoping that government will bring in some changes before the implementation.

The unions had staged a 3-day agitation earlier this month, and even threaten to strike work for longer period.

The previous 6th Central Pay Commission had recommended a 20 percent hike, which the government had doubled while implementing it in 2008.

The government set up Empowered Committee of Secretaries headed by Cabinet Secretary earlier this month to process the recommendations of the 7th CPC.

Considering the impact of the financial burden on the government, the government may not be able to review the salary scale suggested by the 7th CPC.

Finance Minister had said that the recommendations of the 7th CPC would add at least Rs 1.02 lakh crore spending in 2016.




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