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Bengaluru to Get India’s First Space Park. Set up by ISRO

The park will be located near Whitefield area, and private industries will be allowed to use it for manufacturing subsystems and components for satellites.

ISRO has increased its launch capacity in the past few years, and is planning to launch 12 satellites for observational services, remote sensing and navigation in 2016. So the park will help meet the increasing demand for satellite components and other requirements. Such a facility is very importantto ensure speedy delivery of different components to ISRO, which works on a very tight schedule.

According to ISRO Satellite Centre Director, M Annadurai, the park is likely to be inaugurated this month. He added that the Space Park will also contribute to the government’s Make in India initiative.

“The space industry has to invest and build modular capacity to enable the country to launch as many satellites to meet the growing demand of the user industry including the government private organizations and overseas users,” he said at the Indian Science Congress.

A few private organizations are already working with ISRO in their space programmes. The space organization is monitoring the quality and progress, and is also planning to allow more private organizations to help them in making satellites and rockets.

“The 100-acre facility is there for those who cannot do that by themselves. In the future, there will be a lot of work that private industries will do. Such a park will be needed,” M Annadurai added.




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