* Parents / legal Guardian can open account in the name of Girl Child under "Sukanya Samridhi Account / Yojana "
* Only one account in the name of one girl child and maximum two accounts in the name of two different girl children for a family. (There is one exception to this rule. The natural or legal guardian can open two or three accounts if twin girls are born as second birth or triplets are born in the first birth itself.)
* SSA can be opened in the name of a girl child from the birth of the girl child till she attains the age of 10 years.
* 1 Year Grace Period : Girls age should not more than 11 at the time of opening of account and this 1 year relaxation upto 02.12.2015 only
* On attaining age of Ten years, the account holder that is the girl child may herself operate the account, however, deposit in the account may be made by the guardian or parents.
* No nomination facility is available for accounts under SSA
* Intial Deposit Minimum amount Rs. 1000. (Subsequent deposit should be in multiple of Rs.100/-)
* Minimum RS. 1000 and Maximum amount Rs.1,50,000 to be deposited in a financial year in this account (No limit for Number of Deposit )
* Deposits can be made anywhere in India CBS Branches
* Penalty Rs.50 per year if minimum contribution is not made.
* Interest rate for the financial year 2014-15 is 9.1%
* After 18 years Partial withdrawal, maximum upto 50% of the balance standing at the end of the preceding financial year can be taken
* Deposits have to be made for first 14 Financial years only
* Maturity Period - 21 years from the date of opening of account.
* Operation of the account after marriage is not permitted
* The account can be transferred anywhere in India
* Sukanya Samriddhi Account ( SSA ) deposits including Interests are eligible for deduction u/s 80C of Income Tax Act, 1961 : Click Here
Documents required :
Birth Certificate of Girl Child
Address Proof & Identity proof of Parents / Guardian
Maturity Value :
Amount of Deposit : 14 Years x 12 Months x Rs. 1000 = 1,68,000 + Interest= 4,39,128 = 6,07,128 ( Approximately )
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